This is Your Life

I am a sucker for quotes! Inspiring, motivating, sappy, lovey, bible verses, you name it, I love them!  If you were to look through my phone, the pictures consist of my pup, Keeley and, YOU GUESSED IT, quotes!!

One of my favorite quotes – sitting above my couch in my living room.

This one by the Holstee Manifesto hits close to my heart.  I found it a few years ago, saved it to my phone.  My dad, being the creative one, framed it and gave it to me for Christmas soon after.  I read it often as it is hanging behind my couch in my living room.

When trying to decide how to even start telling the story of my life, this quote popped up.  There are so many life lessons that can be taken from each sentence.  So that is exactly what I am going to do!

Each week, I will break this quote down into sentences and tell a story bit about me.

“This is your life”

I am Megan Eunpu, 33 year old female living in the Washington DC area.  In my short time here on earth, I have had many ups and downs.  I have had many successes and just as many failures.  I grew up in an amazing family, our motto is “family first, no matter what”.  We are tight-knit, we might not always agree on everything but at the end of the day each one of us would drop everything in a second if anyone needed help.  I am so blessed to have that much love in our household growing up. I appreciate it even more now that I am older.  We would have dinner every night as a family, Mamma, Pops and Kenz.  My favorite, lemon wine chicken, noodles and peas – mom makes the best (dad is usually the chef in the family).

My parents have always been big role models for me, they are both incredibly kind, loving smart, and strong both individually and as a family.  My dad (pops as I call him) taught me no matter how bad life can get, wake up the next morning with a smile on your face, it is a new day.  There are lots of people out there wishing they could have half of what you do.  He is absolutely right.  See pops, I listened!

The great supportive base my family provided has allowed me to try things, fail and know I would be okay, think outside the box knowing I could test the limits.  There have been many times in my life I didn’t feel like I belonged, many times I would march to the beat of my own drum, half knowing, half praying, it would all come together. If I tried enough things, met enough people, I would find my place in this world.

I have worked extremely hard to get to this place and time.  Even writing this, telling my story, opening up in a very public way, is pushing me out of my comfort zone.  I wouldn’t have it any other way.

So this is “my” life…

Check in next week for “Do what you love, and do it often”.

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