If you are looking for the love of your life, stop, they will be waiting for you when you start doing things you love

Below is the first chapter to a fiction novel I am currently writing…

Kendal was always looking for love.  She loved romance, those cheesy romantic comedies, flowers, chocolates, things that came from the heart.  She searched for it, longed for it.  Sure, she dated but always felt something was missing.  Felt like there was always something more out there for her.  Little did she know, there was a whole world she couldn’t even fathom… until she met him… this is that story…

I was starting to accept that I would be single for a while.  I just signed up for my latest adventure, a bodybuilding competition.  So many years have been spent trying new things hoping the love of my life would show up and sweep me off my feet.  Having been through a bodybuilding prep the year prior, I knew that wouldn’t be conducive to dating.  Between the workouts, the strict diet, the laser focus I had to get on stage looking better than I did the year prior, it’s a lot. Then to put dating on top of that, most dates she had been on, if I mentioned my latest goal the first thing out of the guys mouth was “don’t become a man”.  Let’s mark you off the list of potential boyfriends with that comment!

So, I was focused, determined, 12 weeks until the show, I could do that.  Then, out of nowhere, someone from the past texted me.  Someone I was interested in, we went on a couple dates but the timing didn’t seem right at that point.  He asked me out, I thought, why not?  He knew my goals and seemed supportive.  We set the date for that weekend.  I was so excited, dinner and a basketball game, sounded like a fun date!  That excited-ness faded, quickly, as the night went on. Why wasn’t the spark there like it was before?  I enjoyed my time but it wasn’t like the other dates we had.  I went home that night discouraged. 

With the bug of wanting someone to love coming back, I started googling where else I could find a good man. Despite trying many things in the past, I figured, what’s another try?  Whoever I end up with should support any goal I have.  I came across a matchmaking service and set up an appointment for the following Friday.  Met with the matchmaker, talked about myself, what I was looking for and how I had been looking for a while.  The matchmaker was nice but it didn’t feel right.  So that evening, I went back online and decided to try Match again.  I had been online many times before but thought it cost less than the matchmaker, you never know.  I signed in, updated my profile, picture, what I was looking for and went to bed.  The next day I woke up and (at the time) didn’t know my entire life was about to change…

Check back soon for Stop over-analyzing, All emotions are beautiful.

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